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Learning Outside the Classroom


Fashion society Fashion Shows: As a designer in these 3 shows showing off 4 coloections I became better at keeping track of my work to meet deadlines while creating at my highest level making sure to create a theme that was clearly felt without being stated verbally. Being in these shows challenged me to manage my self and the creation of my designs

Fashion society digital magazine: Being a designer for this was similar to creating for the show but it had a different challenge of finding the right place to do the photoshoot for my designs to properly meet the requirements to be featured in the magazine. Time management was key for this so I could properly meet the deadline for the release.

Consignment with Building 45: Selling my work in a storefront challenged me to properly prepare my clothing to be shown in person away from me and my ability to explain my designs through my own control. My experience with the boutique has given me clarity and insight into the different ways to sell my clothing.

Interviews with Poly Post for my work as a designer: This inspired me to better understand how to communicate to my design and thought process. Through these interviews I learned how to speak in front of the camera, make the most of my answers, and speak in a professional manner.

Student Innovation Labs Ambassador: This experience exposed me to working with students in different majors and working in an environment like that. I was also able to present my work from the semester giving me the opportunity to present my designs as research to upcycle better.